Dad's school - Penge and Beckenham Boys' Grammar School
Nigel and Santa Claus
Nigel and his father, Noel, near Queen's, Cambridge, after he graduated in Economics, in 1965
Daddy on graduation day, Queen's college Cambridge, 1965
Nigel (3d from left) with colleagues and the editor, at Europa Publishing, his second main job after graduation, on Bedford square, London
My Dad with colleagues from Europa Publishing, 1968/9, Bedford Square, courtesy of Paulin (left)
Daddy in the mid-60s, East Grinstead, parents' home
Nigel, Phoebe and Camilla, taken by Veronica, Paris 5eme, 1978
Nigel and Phoebe discovering daisies, Walmer, Kent, 1976
With his colleagues at the ICC, Paris, 8eme, in the 1980s. Nigel is on the far right, by the ivory coloured panelling, half way up.
Nigel with Tina (bottom right) and Norine, ICC colleagues, 1980s
Nigel with Phoebe, late 70s, Lake District?
Nigel, Veronica, Grandpa Stebbing, Phoebe and Camilla, Somerset, late 70s
Phoebe and Nigel, disembarking from a bateau mouche, Paris, early 80s
Hiking in the Tirol, Nigel, Phoebe, Camilla, 1991
Our holiday home from c. 1977 to c. 2001, Sandwich Bay, Kent (upper flat, not whole building ;-)!)
View from our holiday home, Sandwich Bay. France was visible on a clear day :) 1990s
Gathering at Grannie and Dad Dads, Oxted, Surrey, Aug. 1991
Family pic for Phoebe's 18th birthday, at Aunt Margaret's and Uncle Peter's, Islington, 1993
Phoebe, graduation from Oxford with a First, early 2000s
Camilla's graduation, 2000, from Edinburgh
One of many post-cards from our Dad. From Görlitz (Saxony) in 2002.
Görlitz post card from my Dad, 2002. Close to Poland. Old GDR post-card!
Nigel and Camilla, on Deal pier, late 2000s
Daddy's 70th, tea tasting rue Gracieuse, Paris, present from Phoebe
Philip and Nigel, Pyrford, 2010s?
Camilla, Nigel, John Ryan, one of my Dad's oldest friends from Queen's, Verna and Annabel, Wolvercote, 2013
Nigel on the terrace in Wolvercote, Oxford, July 2017
Xmas 2018 in Berlin en famille at Varnhagenstrasse, with Veronica, Camilla and Phoebe, Roland taking the photo
Nigel, Xmas 2020, Oxford
Nigel and Phoebe, Schloss Biesdorf, Berlin, Summer 2019 at a vernissage, taken by Roland
Phoebe and Roland, Berlin, 2019, Schloss Biesdorf, vernissage, photo by Daddy
Phoebe & Roland, Berlin, 2019, taken by schoolfriend Liv visiting
Roland and Daddy at a picnic I organised during Corona, near Bercy, Summer 2020
Nigel waving tea towel to Roland on top of the Eiffel tower, July 2020 (Roland actually spotted him thanks to field glasses!)
Daddy cooking in his kitchen, rue Poliveau, 2021.
Daddy in his living room, 2021, Paris
Nigel with niece Claire and her son George, Summer 2022
Blackburn family photo + Roland + flowers, 31.1.23, taken by Phoebe's schoolfriend Janice
The library, The Plough, 31.1.23
The spray of flowers, and spring arrangement by April :), niece Angela's daughter
Queens College Cambridge: book plate on the entire works of economist JM Keynes which we donated to Nigel's former college, where he read Economics from 1962.